Thursday, October 26, 2017

Fall bucketlist

I like to make bucketlists, what about you? Even if I don't complete everything on the list, just brainstorming ideas for how to enjoy a certain season gets me in the mood for the festivities :) You can read my 2015 fall buckelist here.

Go apple picking  
Drink apple cider
Make mulled wine
Bake a pie from scratch
Cook a hearty stew
Bake pumpkin bread
Go on a scenic drive and appreciate the leaves changing
Attend a fall festival or craft fair
Decorate your porch
Pull out the plaid scarves, leggings, cozy sweaters and Uggs

What's on your fall buckelist?

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Dog Toy Review for a Heavy Chewer

Meet Max, our rescue pup! SH and I resuced Max a few months ago. He is one of the most wonderful things that has ever happened to us. We just love him to death!

Max is a very well-behaved dog in the sense that he doesn't chew our possessions (thank God.) But he does chew his toys very vigorously. He especially loves chewing the fuzz off of tennis balls and even goes as far as chewing the tennis balls in half. Silly doggo!

Because we are worried about Max's health and safety and don't want him eating rubber, we have been experimenting with different toys to see what can withstand his heavy chewing habits.

Keep reading for the chew test winners and losers.

1. Stuffed Duck
I was sooo excited about this stuffed duck because it has so many amazing reviews on Amazon! This was one of the first toys we bought Max so we didn't really know the extent of his love for ruining toys yet. *insert eye roll here* He destroyed mr.ducky in, I'd say, less than 30 minutes? Maybe even less?
 This one doesn't make the cut for our heavy chewer.

2. Tennis Balls
I try to buy tennis balls specifically for dogs because I've read mixed things online about whether non dog tennis balls are treated with chemicals that dogs shouldn't be licking/eating. (If you know anything about this, please comment below!) Like I said Max eats the fuzz off of tennis balls, so they aren't great for him to just play with on his own. We play fetch with him at least twice a day and he loves chasing the ball around for that, but for some chew/play time I would say tennis balls don't make the cut for our heavy chewer.

3. Rope Toys
I think these are probably his favorite and they withstand his heavy chewing pretty well. When the rope starts to fray too much I usually take it away or use it only for fetch and tug because otherwise he will sit and eat the rope. This boy loves to eat fuzz and rope threads! The best rope toys for our heavy chewer tend to be thick rope with multiple knots, like this one:
We buy ours at Petsmart or Target. Thick double knotted rope toys make the cut for our heavy chewer!

4.  XL Kong Extreme
Ok I have to tell you we bought ours at Petsmart for over $20 and here it is on Amazon for less than $10! This is supposed to be the most durable Kong out there for heavy chewers. So far so good! Max hasn't been able to chip any rubber off of it yet, and mostly he just entertains himself licking the peanut butter out of the middle :) This definitely makes the cut for our heavy chewer!
5. BarkBox
We recently subscribed to BarkBox and unfortunately the plush toys in our first box did not prove durable, Max destroyed them in minutes :( I'm still glad we got the box, though, because we got two bags of treats (one of which Max really loves,) and a big bag of beef bully sticks. So I don't think it was a waste, but I hope that the toys improve because I even indicated on the survey that he is a heavy chewer. So we'll see.

I hope you find this post helpful! Let me know if your heavy chewer has any favorite toys!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Chic Ways to get into halloween this year

I found the perfect Halloween bodysuit y'all! If you're looking for a unique and sexy costume, look no further! This is the cutest skeleton outfit I've found. It would be super cute under a long black sheer dress if you didn't want to walk around a party without your pants on ;) I plan to wear my Elsa costume, which I got on Amazon Prime Now last year for $4! As for home decor, your local dollar store probably has a ton of cute/cheap decorations (I know mine does.) I also always scour the Target dollar bins around holidays -- they always seem to nail inexpensive holiday decor!

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Monday, October 23, 2017

Halloween costumes for pups and babies!

Is there anything cuter than a baby or a puppy in a costume?! I don't have a baby but I plan to dress up Max for Halloween for sure. Here are some ideas for you to get the creative juices flowing!

Baby Incredible!

Ummm, how amazing is this dog lumberjack costume?!

The cutest shark on the block!

If you have more than one dog, this would be the perfect group costume -- three little piggies, red riding hood and the big bad wolf!

Friday, October 20, 2017

The ruffle trend I'm loving now

Is there anything more feminine yet easy to wear than a ruffle? Casual style that is put together and feminine is my go-to. A ruffle immediately elevates any outfit, and does NOT have to be stuffy. (Are you thinking "ruffle" and thinking of a horrible pink lacy ruffled something in your grandmother's attic?) Think again! I'm seeing a lot of ribbed ruffle sweaters this fall, a new take on the trend.

In other news, SH and I are headed to LA this weekend to see Hamilton for my dad's birthday! I cannot wait, I've heard it's super kick a$$. Have a wonderful weekend, y'all! 

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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Spooktacular Halloween Graveyard Dessert

Photo by Palatable Pastime
Halloween is fast approaching, so I wanted to share the cutest edible Halloween treat with you! It's so easy to make and is fun and cute for kids (and adults, alike!)

  • 1 box of chocolate pudding (try to the Jell-o brand. Check pudding ingredients list.)
  • 1 small package of Oreo cookies
  • 1 box of Milano cookies
  • 1 Orange or black tube of mini frosting
  • 1 small cake pan
  • 1 Ziploc bag
  • Candy corn (optional)
  • Sugar Skulls (optional)
  • Gummy worms (optional)
  • Spooky peeps (optional)
  • Chocolate eyeballs (optional)
  • Pumpkin candies (optional)
  • Make the chocolate pudding (follow directions on box.) Refrigerate
  • Take out pudding
  • Place Oreos in Ziploc bag and crush (this is the graveyard dirt)
  • Sprinkle Oreos over pudding
  • Write on the Milanos with the mini frosting (these are the tombstones. Examples: RIP, BOO, a skull and crossbones, etc.) 
  • Place Milanos in pudding mixture
  • Place skulls, candy corn, and worms in mixture as you please
  • Ready to eat! 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Wedding Registry Hacks

It's getting real, y'all. SH and I are getting married in FOUR MONTHS! We are super excited!! So much of my brain space occupies the wedding these days, so I want to impart some wedding wisdom on you -- can I get a #weddingwednesday?

Here's what's on our registry and trust me -- I have scoured the internet for every "what to put on your registry" checklist out there. And surprise -- they missed some things.  Here's what the other lists missed:

1. Nice table linens
Is it just my mom and me, or do y'all love table linens, too?! The thing is, I don't like spending a lot of money on them so I scour Target for sales or check out estate sales for a good deal. We have registered for a thanksgiving tablecloth and a Christmas tablecloth (with matching napkins.) I am SO EXCITED to use these I can't even tell you. Plus, they will go great with our...

2. Matching dishes
Oh, the matching dishes. I have always prided myself on liking mismatched dishware. All throughout college, my early twenties, my mid-twenties, I have loved my mismatched plates and bowls. I just decided one day that part of being a grownup is having matching dishware. In fact, I got so hung up on the matching dishes that I wrote a short creative non fiction piece about it. (If you'd like to read the piece, email me at We finally picked the Emma collection and let me tell you, they are SO BEAUTIFUL in our home. So much more beautiful than they were in the store! Something about the lighting in the store made the color look off, but in our home they look like the ivory color they are supposed to be :) I really, truly, looove them.

3. Fluffy high quality towels
Nice, fluffy towels are such a luxury. A quality towel turns a routine into a luxurious and enjoyable experience. We registered for these in three colors -- one for me, one for SH, and one for guests. I recommend getting at least two per person.

4. Board games
Codenames is a super fun party game to play with friends! We had 11 people over the other week and this was an easy game to play with that many people because you play on teams. We had an absolute blast! Cards Against Humanity is another party favorite.

5. Camping gear
SH and I love camping and hopefully will start going more often now that we live in the Pacific Northwest. One thing we already have that we love is a two-person sleeping bag. I definitely recommend registering for one of those if you don't have one already! We registered for a two person hammock and a camping utensil set.

6. A carving knife
Because that Thanksgiving turkey isn't going to carve itself!

7. Invitation and picture double frame
If you're sentimental like me, you'll want to frame your wedding invitation, as well as your wedding photos. This frame lets you do both.

8. Himalayan salt plate
This is a neat way to cook and not too expensive, but still luxurious enough that you can throw it on your registry.

9. Marble serving board
Is there anything more chic than marble in a kitchen? I'm in love with this cost effective one (it's under $30.)

10. Guest bedding
Don't forget to ask for a nice set of sheets and a comforter for any out of town guests you might have. They'll thank you for it! If you read yesterday's post about how to make your bedroom a sanctuary, you'll see what retailer I recommend for high quality bedding for less.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

How to make your bedroom a santuary

Countless studies have shown the amazing health benefits of a good night's sleep. Doesn't it make sense that getting a good night's sleep starts in your bedroom? I find it difficult to shut off my brain if I'm distracted by lights blinking, computers whirring, or even by overwhelming piles of papers and other clutter.

Here are 5 easy tips to make your bedroom a sanctuary, so you can rest easy and get those 8 hours of shut eye that you deserve.

1. Keep the electronics to a minimum. 
We all have our cell phones, some have alarm clocks, computers, tvs, radios -- all of these items come with blinking lights and noises. Try to keep your bedroom an electronic free space (within reason.) I use my phone as my alarm, but I always make sure to put it on Do Not Disturb (the little moon on the iPhone) so that if people are emailing/texting/calling me after I've gone to bed, my phone doesn't vibrate or ring so as not to disturb my sleep.

2. Invest in good bedding, and wash your sheets regularly. 
Sounds basic, right? I'll be the first to tell you that I have found some awesome bedding at a discount price at Homegoods. Homegoods is an awesome place to buy high quality, high threat count, super soft sheets for WAY less. I recently bought a new bedset there (duvet cover and pillow shams) and I am obsessed with it! Upgrading our bedding gave our room a whole new feel and going to bed in clean sheets always feels so luxurious and comfortable.

3. Light a candle. 
You guys know I'm a candle freak! I can't get enough of candles. (Here is a good scent for fall.) I like burning one candle in the bedroom and one in the bathroom (ours are connected). I also try to open a window as often as possible to get some fresh air circulating, too.

4. Wear a cozy eye mask. 
I have a few different eye masks that I rotate through (I usually end up losing them - don't ask me how - they always fall off my face when I sleep!) These help me sleep when my fiance is up late reading (it's so hard to sleep with the lights on!) This one is in my shopping cart right now, it's so cute!

5. Keep work outside of the bedroom. 
Some of us don't have the luxury of having an office separate from our bedroom. Take it from me - my fiance and I have our desks in our room and it is NOT restful. We are planning to move our desks into the spare bedroom in our house to really create that work/rest balance and separation.

Try these tips at home and let me know how they work out for you!

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Monday, October 16, 2017

The ballet flats I can't live without

I walk a lot during the day -- I walk my dog, to and from the bus stop, to and from appointments, up and down the stairs. I like looking professional and put together without sacrificing comfort. These flats are by far the most comfortable I have encountered. I love them so much I have them in six different colors! The latest style they have is a crushed dusty rose velvet but the leopard is my usual go-to.

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Monday, October 2, 2017

Sweater Weather



 Striped sweater | Lace up sweater | Jeans: AG | Boots: Ralph Lauren | Blanket scarf: Nordstrom

Happy October!! I'm excited to be cozying up in sweaters and boots!! The weather is finally turning here in Seattle and I'm happy to be drinking PSLs again :)

Since I work a 9-5 job It's really important for me to have clothes I can wear to work that also double as something cute to wear on the weekend. This striped sweater is on sale for $28 and is available in in three colors. It's great because I can wear it to work with slacks, or pair it with jeans and a blanket scarf when my fiance and I are hanging out on the weekend!

Fewer and fewer items in my closet are "weekend only" wear -- cue this lace up sweater that I could never wear to work but that was too special to pass up :) Lace up is really "in" right now and I love a good burgundy for fall!

Tobi is a great place to get the best of both worlds -- work and weekend wear! Head to their site to see what cute items they have in store for this new season.

Thank you to Tobi for sponsoring this post.


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