Tuesday, October 17, 2017

How to make your bedroom a santuary

Countless studies have shown the amazing health benefits of a good night's sleep. Doesn't it make sense that getting a good night's sleep starts in your bedroom? I find it difficult to shut off my brain if I'm distracted by lights blinking, computers whirring, or even by overwhelming piles of papers and other clutter.

Here are 5 easy tips to make your bedroom a sanctuary, so you can rest easy and get those 8 hours of shut eye that you deserve.

1. Keep the electronics to a minimum. 
We all have our cell phones, some have alarm clocks, computers, tvs, radios -- all of these items come with blinking lights and noises. Try to keep your bedroom an electronic free space (within reason.) I use my phone as my alarm, but I always make sure to put it on Do Not Disturb (the little moon on the iPhone) so that if people are emailing/texting/calling me after I've gone to bed, my phone doesn't vibrate or ring so as not to disturb my sleep.

2. Invest in good bedding, and wash your sheets regularly. 
Sounds basic, right? I'll be the first to tell you that I have found some awesome bedding at a discount price at Homegoods. Homegoods is an awesome place to buy high quality, high threat count, super soft sheets for WAY less. I recently bought a new bedset there (duvet cover and pillow shams) and I am obsessed with it! Upgrading our bedding gave our room a whole new feel and going to bed in clean sheets always feels so luxurious and comfortable.

3. Light a candle. 
You guys know I'm a candle freak! I can't get enough of candles. (Here is a good scent for fall.) I like burning one candle in the bedroom and one in the bathroom (ours are connected). I also try to open a window as often as possible to get some fresh air circulating, too.

4. Wear a cozy eye mask. 
I have a few different eye masks that I rotate through (I usually end up losing them - don't ask me how - they always fall off my face when I sleep!) These help me sleep when my fiance is up late reading (it's so hard to sleep with the lights on!) This one is in my shopping cart right now, it's so cute!

5. Keep work outside of the bedroom. 
Some of us don't have the luxury of having an office separate from our bedroom. Take it from me - my fiance and I have our desks in our room and it is NOT restful. We are planning to move our desks into the spare bedroom in our house to really create that work/rest balance and separation.

Try these tips at home and let me know how they work out for you!

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