Friday, January 22, 2016

Finding My Way Back

TGIF! Happy Friday everyone!! It's been a long week. (The longest short week, ever, in fact!) How are you all doing on your new year's resolutions? (In case you missed it, here is my post on what some of my New Year's Resolutions are.) I'm doing fairly well so far. One priority has been exercise, which is something I've struggled keeping up in the past. If you've been following my blog for a bit maybe you read about my general dislike of exercise here. I am grateful and happy to say that I've found my way back to my yoga practice. Yoga is something I discovered in the summer of 2010 when I was living in LA for a college internship. I was living in Westwood and having the time of my life. I started taking swimming and yoga classes at UCLA and was doing two swimming classes and two yoga classes every week. Yoga completely transformed my body and mind that summer -- I got stronger, my legs slimmed down, I felt healthy and strong, and I felt really positive about my practice. I fell off the wagon after heading back up to the Bay Area for senior year, but that's one of the things I love about yoga -- you can always find your way back to your practice. And maybe you'll find some things have stayed the same (I still don't love chair pose) and maybe you'll find some things have changed (I lost some of the flexibility in my hamstrings that I gained that summer.) But yoga is always there for us, teaching us to be kind and loving toward ourselves and others. And that is something I love about yoga.

Plus who doesn't love cute workout attire? Shop some of my fave workout and yoga themed picks below:

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