Hey everyone! Happy Friday!! Today I want to introduce you to my blogger friend Caroline who writes the blog, Little Bitty City One and hails from DC! Caroline and I "met" via email a few months back (we both belong to the Blogger Collective) and have since kept in touch and worked on various projects together. Caroline is a kick as* combination of an east coast prep (think sperry's and kate spade) meets warped tour pop-punk. She wears what she wants and says what she thinks and I love that!
A few things I love about reading her blog: her spunky style, she puts together fantastic fashion inspiration boards, and dang is she funny. Case in point, and I quote from a blog post, "Which of the American Girl dolls did you have? And was she a betch?" Pretty much peed my pants reading that article and proceeded to send to friends who I KNOW played with AGs as kids. (Ahem, I had Samantha, Betchiest of all betches.)
Head over to her blog Little Bitty City One for some great fashion inspiration, interesting interviews, fun articles and more! (P.S. She studied film in college - how cool is that?)
Start with a brief introduction!
Tell us a little about yourself.
Apparently, according to my friend
Matty, “I dated the DJ at St. Albans” is pretty descriptive of my entire
character. I’m a slightly punky, prep-school graduating, music-loving ball of
energy that cannot for the life of me reign in my shopping habits. I love lions
(CaroLION) and I’m tooooottally a Pisces. I also love quotes about the sunshine
and movies with murdery/ criminal male leads (Wolf of Wallstreet, American Psycho,
Clockwork Orange) . I’m starting to be better at wearing heels and my go-to
drink is a gin and tonic. And I’ve been told I look like Reese Witherspoon
since Legally Blonde.
What inspired you to start your
I was actually interning with a
startup that never… started up. We were a vendor at a GLAM (Giving Labels A
Meaning) event. I met Meghann Moynahan of Disctrict Sparkle and thought she was
the coolest person I’d ever met. It took me a while after that, but she’s the
reason I really started reading fashion blogs and decided to start my own.
How did you pick the name of your
The song Little Bitty Pretty One has
been a favorite oldie of mine forever. It just kind of fell into place. I’m
normally the shortest person in any given group.
How long have you been blogging?
Little Bitty City One has been
around for about 2 and a half years, but before that I had a music/ concert
blog called Getting Warped and I also
had a professor in college who had us blogging our assignments.
What's been your biggest blogging
challenge to date?
Oh ma gosh. The whole thing has been
a learning experience. First of all, I’m really all self-taught about wordpress
and social media, so I’ve been figuring out what works for me. Besides that, I
have to keep reminding myself that I might never fit into the pretty little
mold of a lot of bloggers. I’m not a model, I may dress/ accessorize a little
out of the box, and that’s ok.
What are the top 5 things you
reallyyyy need/want to do before you're end date of Sept 27 2017 on your 101 in
I have been so bad about updating or
crossing things off this list. I would say top 5:
Guest merch girl for a band I love (ahem, Relic Hearts)
Pay off my credit cards
Climb the “Exorcist steps”
Go back and visit my grandma’s amazing Civil War era house
Head to Boston for a Red Socks game to hear Sweet Caroline
What's your favorite thing about
living in DC?
DC is so clean! I much prefer it
over many, many of the cities that I’ve been to for that reason. And I love
that I can walk everywhere. I grew up on the outskirts of suburbia and you can’t
walk to get anywhere from my house. That’s still a novelty to me.
What is your favorite post you've
done to date?
I wrote a post that I started out
feeling very “meh” about that ended up getting SO much attention that I was
blown away on Wedding Guest Etiquette. I am so incredibly proud of that one. [Note from Christine: check out that post here!]
you plan out your blog posts in advance or go with whatever inspiration
It’s a little bit of both. Whenever
I get an idea, I jot it down in my blog planner. That way I always have a
running list.
A lot of bloggers start blogging as
a hobby, and have to balance it with full time work. What do you do for a
living? How do you balance it all?
I’m in accounts payable at a law
firm. A lot of my posting happens at lunch, but I also have a nasty habit of
blogging in bed. My favorite time to blog is on the weekends in the morning
before I start my day- I’ll bang out at least a couple while I have breakfast
and coffee.
Name your top three favorite places
to shop.
I do most of my shopping online, but
my favorite brands are Loft, Kate Spade, and Ralph Lauren
What song can you listen to on
repeat and never get sick of?
Lord Jesus have mercy on this
question! I get stuck on songs where I
literally listen on repeat for weeks. If you’re asking my ipod though, strictly
by numbers, it’s I Wanna by The All-American Rejects. I listen to a lot of
All time favorite movie?
This is so hard too! I studied film
in college. Probably Dogtown and ZBoys, a documentary about Team Zephyr- the
group that revolutionized skateboarding. I’m a documentary nerd. Go to bad-day snack?
The thing you love most about
I’ve made so many awesome friends
and connections! That’s been really cool. 
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